Information for Professionals
Our Provision for autistic young people:
Spectrum Gaming is an autistic-led UK based charity that supports autistic young people. We aim to create a world where every autistic child knows that who they are is ok and they can be themselves, whilst still developing meaningful relationships and achieving their personal goals. We do this by providing spaces where they feel safe and accepted, amongst others with similar shared lived experiences, and opportunities to explore who they are.
We want all autistic young people to have the strength and confidence to find their place in the world that works for them. In many cases this means influencing wider strategic changes to create an environment that is more understanding and equitable.
Our main provision is an online community for autistic young people, created and led by autistic adults. It provides a safe space for young people to make friends and connect with others. We also run face-to-face meet ups in Manchester and Sheffield.
Professionals cannot currently 'refer' a young person to our community, however parents/ carers may contact you to email us to verify the ID of their young person during their application process.​
Useful Links:
Services and resources for Professionals:
​In addition to running the online community and meetups, at Spectrum Gaming we have been recognised widely for our advocacy work and we now represent the voice of autistic children on a strategic level nationally.​
We offer training to professionals, parents and carers, and anyone else wanting to understand more about autism and how best to support autistic young people. We regularly run public online webinar training which are open to everyone and you can also contact us if you would like us to deliver bespoke training to your organisation.
We also have an extensive library of resources available, providing valuable insights and information across a wide range of topics relating to supporting autistic young people.
Check out each section below to find out more:
Please note:
We are unable to offer specific advice about individual support for young people that you may be working with if they are unknown to us. We also do not offer 1:1 support for autistic young people as our provision is access to our community.
We also do not make video games and are not involved in the gaming industry - we just like gaming recreationally! :)