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This is our library of resources that we have created or collaborated on. Here you can find a variety of articles, videos, and updates such as: in-depth articles about understanding autism, previous webinar recordings, downloadable activities, staff interviews, advocacy project updates and more!
The majority of our resources are free to access, use and share, however some links to webinars and training courses require you to purchase them. Income from training is really important to SG as a way of ensuring that our services remain free to young people in our community :)

Spectrum Gaming
Oct 14, 20242 min read
Understanding Selective Mutism, Autism and Reactive Mutism - Webinar Recording
Spectrum Gaming has a huge focus on advocacy - ensuring autistic young people's voices are heard - and one common experience is young...

Andy Smith
Aug 6, 20242 min read
Unmasking Autism: My Journey - Webinar Recording
Masking is when someone tries their best to fit in and go unnoticed by others. It can become an automatic, natural way of being, meaning...

Spectrum Gaming
Jul 31, 20241 min read
Monotropism and Autistic Wellbeing - Webinar Recording
In this webinar Hanna explores monotropism, a theory of autism developed by autistic researchers. Monotropism refers to the way that...

Spectrum Gaming
Jul 10, 20241 min read
Navigating the Paradox: Supporting Young People who are Autistic and ADHD - Webinar Recording
This webinar is aimed at parents and professionals who are supporting young people who are both Autistic and ADHD. It focuses on how you...

Andy Smith
Jun 30, 20246 min read
Reflections on Autistic Burnout
(Note: this post is about “deep burnout” – which is usually a huge, life-altering event which often takes a very long period of time to...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 30, 20241 min read
Resources for Young People: Autism Understood
Often when a young person receives an autism diagnosis, parents are told what autism is, but young people do not get the opportunity to...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 30, 20241 min read
Autism and Sleep
Many autistic young people struggle with sleep, but also find that typical "sleep hygiene strategies" often aren't helpful. So we have...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20243 min read
A Note on Autism Acceptance
In most spaces and places autism is seen as a negative thing. If you Google autism, you see websites and articles focused on 'treating'...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20241 min read
Supporting Autistic Young People with Strong Feelings - Webinar Recording
In this webinar, which draws on both clinical and lived experience, as well as conversations with spectrum gaming members Hanna talks...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20241 min read
Our CAMHS/ Emotional Wellbeing Report 2024
At Spectrum Gaming, autistic young people frequently share with us their experiences of CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health...

Andy Smith
Jun 29, 20244 min read
What if my autistic child just wants to game all day?
I don’t think I have ever met an autistic child who *wants* to game all day. We talk about this topic in our community, as it is a common...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20249 min read
What does it mean to be Neurodiversity Affirming?
Spectrum Gaming believes in the 5 As of neurodiversity affirming practice, from The Autistic Advocate: Authenticity – A feeling of...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20245 min read
What is Autistic Burnout?
Autistic burnout is like a phone that has run out of battery. Even if you need to make a phone call, you are no longer able to. You have...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20243 min read
What Does Survival Mode Look Like?
When survival mode is activated, our alarm system (the amygdala) prioritises keeping us safe in one of six ways.When this survival...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20247 min read
The importance of co-regulation and self-care
Co-regulation Co-regulation is the act of soothing and helping to calm someone during a moment of dysregulation. No-one is born with the...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20242 min read
Understanding Meltdowns
(This is part of a series of posts about Autism and Trauma ) The NEST Approach Supporting autistic young people with meltdowns. Kids Do...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 202417 min read
Understanding Autism and Trauma
(This is part of a series of posts about Autism and Trauma) This is a guide is focused on understanding the theory of autism and trauma....

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 202416 min read
Autism and Trauma Recovery
(This is part of a series of posts about Autism and Trauma) In order to recover from trauma, there are 5 key factors: Changing the...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20241 min read
Introduction to Autism and Trauma
This is a neurodiversity affirming guide for parents and professionals around supporting young autistic people with trauma. Contents:...

Spectrum Gaming
Jun 29, 20245 min read
What is a Trusted Person Like?
It is essential that young people have someone around them who they feel they can trust and meet their needs. So we have worked together...
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